E2E Process Flow Example

Read an end-to-end (E2E) example of how the service integrates with your solution and business processes.

This example walks you through a customer making a purchase and how the API issues an invoice and other steps.

Transaction Lifecycle

The following graphic details the steps that are completed during the transaction lifecycle:


Transaction Lifecycle

The steps are mapped to the API requests that you use to integrate with Taxamo:

StepAPI Request
1. Buyer goes to checkoutn/a
2. Seller uses API request to calculate VAT and store the transaction (in Unconfirmed status). Calculate Tax
Store Transaction
3. Seller charges customer's card for product and VAT.n/a
4. Seller uses API request call to confirm the transaction.Confirm Transaction
5. Taxamo charges the seller's card for the VAT.n/a
6. Taxamo issues invoice to customer.n/a

Month-End Integration

During your month-end activities, the following steps are completed. The order of these steps can vary:

  • Taxamo remits the VAT with the tax authority.
  • Taxamo charges your credit card £2 for each transaction that month.
  • You can use the VAT and Fee audit report for reconciliation. For more information, see Audit Report .

If you need further help, contact support at https://www.vertexinc.com/en-gb/support-services/taxamo-customer-support.