Discount Object Fields

Read about what fields you can use to model discounts.

You can specify discounts at the transaction or transaction-line level. For more information, see Configuring Discounts.

The following table lists the fields that you can use to specify a discount in your requests. You only need to use one of the discount.discount_amount or discount.discount_total_amount fields, matching the logic you use for amounts generally, that is whether you use tax inclusive or tax exclusive prices. The API will calculate the amounts for both options and return these in the response.

discounts.discount_amountThe amount of the discount that is applied for tax exclusive prices. If your prices do not include tax, use this field.
discounts.discount_total_amountThe amount of the discount that is applied for tax inclusive prices. If your prices do include tax, use this field.
discounts.discount_codeThe code that you use to identify the discount.

The API also returns the following field that tells you the discount that has been applied:

discounts.discounted_amountThe total discount that has been applied to the transaction for tax exclusive pricing.
discounts.discounted_total_amountThe total discount that has been applied to the transaction for tax inclusive pricing.